Monday, November 30, 2009

Cheesy Fries

I made this yesterday for the boyz at home. Seen it at Nur's house (My Little Kitchen) few days ago and so happened I had some left over cheddar cheese in the fridge. I didn't bother to measure according to the recipe but turned-out alright. Nur used orange color cheddar cheese which turned-up more attractive than mine - see here for her version.

Here how I made my cheese dip:
1/4 block cheddar cheese (about 60g) - shredded
Fresh Milk - just enough to cover the shredded cheese
Some Mustard Powder
Some Paprika Powder

1. Place all ingredients in a saucepan & stir until cheese melts.
2. Pour on top of potato fries (I bought frozen fries & deep fried).
3. Piped some mayonnaise on top.

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