Thursday, December 17, 2009

Xmas & New Year Makan-makan in Office Corridor

The office has been quiet as most people have left for year end break and it will be worst by next week. Before it is too late, we've decided to throw a corridor party within our department today. It is just a Makan Kecil with exchanges of gifts. Foods were ordered from the cafeteria downfloor:

Fried Meehoon:

 Chicken Kebabs:

  Chicken Boxings with black pepper sauce:

 Fruit Salad:

Agar-agar Lapis Santan (this one made by me):

Makan-makan in the corridor:

The ladies in the department (happy faces after getting their present...hehe):

Did you notice that there is no cake above? Hahaha... it is my fault... I promised the organiser that I will bake one but couldn't manage the night before because my husband was away travelling and my baby was too demanding... at least I get the jelly done...hehe.

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