Friday, December 18, 2009

Agar-Agar Lapis Santan

 I was looking for a jelly recipe which is quick & easy to prepare  for the office year end party the other day & came across this beautiful Agar-Agar Lapis Santan from Noreen's blog (original recipe by Norzalina Nordin). The plain bottom layer complimented very well by rich creamy topping. At the end of the party all the pieces were swept clean...! Not forgetting my own family, I made double portion of the recipe below & save one container for the eager boys at home.

Thank-you very much to both Noreen and Norzalina for the simple and yet lovely recipe. Recipe is translated to English for some of my colleague who may want to give a try (Wai Sarn, hope you will try & let me know if you did). I have also translated to metric gram for a more accurate measurement.... happy trying!

(Makes 8" square)
1 tbsp Jelly powder (I used 10g)
900ml Water
130g Sugar (I used 150g) 
1/2 tsp Rose Essence
Red Color

1/2 tbsp Jelly powder (I used 5g)
450ml Santan from 1 coconut (I used 1 can Santan + water to come up with 450ml)
90g Sugar
1 Pandan Leaf

1. Boil all bottom layer & pour into tin.
2. Boil top layer & pour on top of the 1st layer only once the surface of the bottom layer has firmed up (but not yet hardened).
3. Let it hardened at room temperature & chill.

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