Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chicken Kuzi

I bought a recipe book yesterday "Resipi Pantai Timur" and tried one of the dishes there. Mine turned-up red in color as opposed to the picture showed in the book which is greyish color. Nevertheless, we whole family enjoyed it.

Here is the recipe, translated into English:

1 ekor Ayam - potong2 / 1 Chicken - chopped
Minyak Sapi / Ghee
125ml Susu Cair / Evaporated Milk
250g Sos Tomato / Tomato Sauce
4 biji Bwg Besar - hiris bulat / Big Onions - sliced into ring shape
2cm Halia* / Ginger* 
12 tangkai Cili Kering* / Dried Chilies*
15g Badam* / Almond* (I used Cashew Nuts) [* kisar / * blended) 
125g Kismis / Raisins (skipped)
Garam / Salt

1 sudu mkn  Ketumbar* / 1tbs Coriander Seeds*
1 sudu mkn Jintan Manis* / 1 tbs Cumin Seeds* 
1 sudu mkn Jintan Putih* / 1 tbs Fennels Seeds* [* kisar / * blended)
1 kuntum Bunga Lawang / 1 Star Anise
1 kuntum Bunga Cengkih / 1 Clove
1 bth Kulit Kayu Manis / 1 Cinnamon Stick

1. Lumur ayam dgn garam & kunyit - goreng separuh masak./ Rub chicken with turmeric powder & deep fry until half cooked. 

2. Panaskan minyak sapi / Heat up ghee.
Tumis rempah kuzi sehingga wangi. / Fry kuzi spices until fragrant.
+ bwg besar, halia & cili kering. / + big onions, ginger & chili.
Kacau sehingga pecah minyak. / Stir until oil surfaced out of the spices.
+ ayam &  kacau sehingga sebati. /  + chicken & stir until well mixed.
+ susu cair & sos tomato. / + milk & tomato sauce.
Biarkan menggelegak / Leave to boil.
+ badam, salt & kismis. / + almond, salt & raisins.
Masak sehingga pekat. / Cook until gravy is thick.

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