Saturday, January 16, 2010

Oreo Layered Cake II

I made this cake today to give to a colleague (Ms Rash) who is leaving tomorrow.  I sliced thinly one side so that you can see the pattern but it is too thin that you cannot see the oreo layers (sorry friends I can't slice too much...).

There were several requests for the recipe before hence as promised I have tested another recipe which I've gotten from Rasa magazine. This is a fabulous recipe & worth making - deliciously moist & rich taste.

This time I made different pattern of the layers. Instead of layering the pandan portion in the middle, I alternated the two colors as above and splitted the oreo cookies. Previous pattern is here & here.

480g Butter
5 tbsp Kaya 

20 Egg Yolks
4 Egg Whites
150g Hong Kong Flour
200g Sugar
1 tbsp Ovalette

3 packs of Oreo cookies
1/2 tbsp Pandan Paste 

1. Beat A until fluffy.

2. Beat B until thick & white.

3. Mix both A & B until well blended.

4. Divide into two equal parts.
Mix one part with Pandan Paste (add color if not green enough).

5. Spread 8 spoon of plain portion into lined & greased tin.
Grill until top is brown.
Continue layering per your preferred pattern.
Above pattern: 
2 layers plain --> oreo --> 2 layers plain, 
2 layers green --> oreo --> 2 layers green,
Repeat until finish.
For the last layer, bake for 15 min at 180C.

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