Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mango Jelly

My father in-law has a farm of mangoes which is fruiting & riping now. We went back to kampung recently and brought back some to Miri. So I made the above Mango jelly for Hari Raya yesterday. Come and enjoy it... really rich of mango taste....!

Source: HomeKreation
1 packet Jelly powder (13g)
600ml Water
200g Sugar
250ml Fresh Milk
500ml Mango Purees (blend mango pulps with little bit of water to ensure the machine spins safely)
2 Mangoes - tiny cubed  

Boil jelly powder with water until dissolved.
Add in sugar & stir until dissolved.
Mix milk & mango puree & add into jelly mixture.
Pour into container & sprinkle mango cubes.
Cool & chill.

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