Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I've Been Busy

Much apology to all of you for disappearing for quite sometime. Fortunately my little one manages to keep you entertained in my absence. There are too many excuses really - wedding, khenduri, visitors, office works, etc, etcs activities and of course my small and big babies at home to take care of. Anyway, am not complaining & I should feel lucky that my life is not boring although can be exhausted at times with little or no rest (not even at night!). Many friends said I look slimmer now... thanks to my baby & busy life! hehehe...

I will come back with more recipes when time permits, till then enjoy & take care...! Mmmmuah! Miss all of you!

Here sharing one of my recent activities in facilitating Patchwork & Quilting workshop voluntarily in Miri recently. It has been much success and I enjoyed it very much. More story here.

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