Thursday, October 29, 2009

Curry Noodles @ Mee Kari

Actually I made this two days ago but was too busy & tired to update the blog. I've been busy lately preparing for friends' party which to be held this evening.

The recipe is from my aunt (Mak Yong) which I learned during recent Hari Raya visit in my hometown. Whole family enjoyed it very much! In meantime, enjoyed the photos first. Will update later when I've got more free time, got to chow now...
 Here is the recipe, sorry for late update:

(Serves 6 persons)
5-6 Shallots*
4 cloves Garlic*
1/2" Ginger* (* pounded)
Rempah Tumis
2 tbsp Chili Paste
2 tbsp Curry Powder + some water (Along guna cap Babas)
2 Chicken Thigh - chopped
1/2 pot Coconut Milk
1/2 can Evaporated Milk
1 Magge Chicken Cube
Assorted Fish Cakes & Fish/Seafood Balls
1 Beancurd
1 kg Fresh Yellow Noodles**
Mustard Leaves**
Bean Sprouts** (** blanched)

1. Heat some oil & fry pounded ingredients & Rempah Tumis until fragrant.
Add in chili paste & stir for a while until fragrant.
Add in curry powder paste & stir until oil surfaced.
Add in chicken & stir until well mixed.
Add in coconut/evaporated milk & chicken cube and stir until boiling.
Add in the assorted fish/seafood cake/balls and bean curd.
Salt & MSG to taste.

2. Serve noodles with curry gravy, topped with blanched vegetables, fried onions, lime & sliced chilies.... Enjoy!

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